
Descrierea Calităților - Plictisitor sau Interesant

Stăpânește idiomuri englezești care se referă la a fi plictisitor sau interesant, cum ar fi „all the rage” și „un weekend umed”.




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English Idioms used to Describe Qualities
wild and woolly

(of an experience) filled with excitement and craziness

experiență palpitantă

experiență palpitantă

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to come to life

to become lively and energetic

to be all fun and games

to be extremely pleasant or enjoyable

fiind plăcută

fiind plăcută

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like bees to a honeypot

used to refer to a situation in which something appears very attractive to a certain group of people and makes them crave it despite its potential dangers

fiind foarte atrăgătoare

fiind foarte atrăgătoare

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more fun than a barrel (full) of monkeys

describing a situation, activity, or experience that is extremely enjoyable, entertaining, or amusing

fiind foarte plăcut

fiind foarte plăcut

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Canterbury tale

a story marked by being too long or dull

poveste lungă și plictisitoare

poveste lungă și plictisitoare

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you have not lived

used to strongly recommend someone to experience a particular thing

ratezi o mare oportunitate

ratezi o mare oportunitate

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music to one's ears

something that brings great joy or satisfaction to someone

satisfăcătoare sau de dorit

satisfăcătoare sau de dorit

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feast for the eyes‌

something that is very pleasant to one's eyes or ears

ceva care este foarte plăcut de văzut sau auzit

ceva care este foarte plăcut de văzut sau auzit

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heaven on Earth

a situation or experience that is so blissful, joyful, or perfect that it feels like a piece of heaven or paradise has been brought down to earth

experiență sau loc foarte palpitant

experiență sau loc foarte palpitant

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(as) dull as dishwater

extremely boring or uninteresting

foarte plictisitor

foarte plictisitor

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all the rage

of the utmost interest or popularity for a specified time

ceva care este la modă pentru un timp limitat

ceva care este la modă pentru un timp limitat

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to bore sb to tears

to make someone feel extremely bored, irritated, or frustrated, particularly by talking too much or doing things that annoys them

făcând pe cineva extrem de plictisitor

făcând pe cineva extrem de plictisitor

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to bore the pants off sb

to make someone feel extremely bored

făcând pe cineva cu adevărat plictisitor

făcând pe cineva cu adevărat plictisitor

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a wet weekend

a dull, boring, or disappointing experience or person

extrem de plictisitor

extrem de plictisitor

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(as) dry as dust

extremely lacking in emotion, interest, or excitement

plictisitor și monoton

plictisitor și monoton

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a barrel of laughs

a person or thing that is considered a source of fun or entertainment for others

persoană sau lucru foarte amuzant

persoană sau lucru foarte amuzant

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one-horse town

(of a town) boring and small, with nothing interesting happening

oras mic cu putine facilitati

oras mic cu putine facilitati

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