Popisování Kvalit - Nudné nebo zajímavé
Osvojte si anglické idiomy, které se vztahují k tomu, že jsou nudné nebo zajímavé, jako „all the rage“ a „a wet weekend“.
used to refer to a situation in which something appears very attractive to a certain group of people and makes them crave it despite its potential dangers
describing a situation, activity, or experience that is extremely enjoyable, entertaining, or amusing
a story marked by being too long or dull

kanterburská pohádka, dovedej a nudný příběh

a situation or experience that is so blissful, joyful, or perfect that it feels like a piece of heaven or paradise has been brought down to earth
to make someone feel extremely bored, irritated, or frustrated, particularly by talking too much or doing things that annoys them
a person or thing that is considered a source of fun or entertainment for others