Cartea Insight - Avansat - Unitatea 7 - 7A
Aici veți găsi vocabularul din Unitatea 7 - 7A din manualul de curs Insight Advanced, cum ar fi „motiv”, „artă conceptuală”, „highbrow”, etc.
Fișe de studiu
a painter, musician or writer who follows the principles of impressionism
art in which the concept presented is considered as the most important part not the form or appearance
artă conceptuală, conceptul artistic
a modern type of art in which the artist and the audience are engaged in dramatic performance, often with political or social themes
artă de performanță, artă performativă
a form of modern art that consists of mixed-media assemblages, designed for a specific place and time period
artă de instalație, instalație artistică
able to think quickly and find solutions to problems
inteligent, priceput
capable of thinking and learning in a good and quick way
istră, inteligent
making us feel tired and unsatisfied because of not being interesting
plictisitor, neinteresant
boring or lacking interest, excitement, or liveliness
plictisitor, lipsit de viață
having a lot of information or expertise in a particular subject or field
cunoscut, specialist
lacking knowledge or awareness about a particular subject or situation
ignorant, neinformaț
scholarly and highly interested in cultural or artistic matters
erudit, cultural
basic and simple, lacking modern features or advancements
primitiv, de bază
arousing interest and curiosity due to being strange or mysterious
intrigant, fascinant
having a magical and charming quality that captures attention and brings joy
fermecător, înșelător
extremely difficult to fully comprehend
nepenetrabil, inexplicabil
causing strong reactions or discussions by presenting controversial or thought-provoking ideas
provocator, provocatoare
driven by impulses and desires rather than logical necessity or reasoning
fantezist, neprevăzut
bringing strong memories, emotions, or images to mind
evocator, care evocă
to say or do the exact right thing in a particular situation
to accept something as true or valid without questioning or challenging it
înghiți, accepta
to have an unsuccessful or unpleasant beginning in a relationship or activity
to make a wrong decision about how to achieve or deal with something
a decorative element or design that is added to clothing or fabric, serving to enhance its appearance or convey a particular style or theme
motif, element decorativ
the material or substance used by the artist to create the artwork, such as oil, acrylic, watercolor, etc.
mediu, material
the way objects or elements appear in relation to each other, influenced by their distance from the observer
perspectivă, punct de vedere
a thin oval board that a painter uses to mix colors and hold pigments on, with a hole for the thumb to go through
paletă, paleta de pictor
a drawing that depicts the outline of someone or something that is in a single black color and against a light background, often from the side
the general manner or attitude of the author in a literary work
ton, atitudine
a recurring element that is the main idea or subject in a literary or artistic piece
a style of art, music, literature, film, etc. that has its own special features
gen, gen artistic
an object that consists of stiff hair or a man-made substitute attached to a handle, used for painting
pensulă, perie
a piece of cloth that artists paint on, especially with oil paints
pânză, canvas