Cartea Total English - Intermediar avansat - Unitatea 6 - Vocabular
Aici veți găsi cuvintele din Unitatea 6 - Vocabular din Total English Upper-Intermediate Coursbook, cum ar fi „wkward”, „cold fish”, „loner”, etc.
Fișe de studiu
someone who does not express emotions and is considered unfriendly
pește rece
a person or thing that causes one great annoyance or a lot of difficulty
used to refer to an individual with a positive intention to do good things and help other people
difficult to manage or deal with because of complexity or inconvenience
incomod, dificil
someone who is likely to succeed because of their ambitiousness or capabilities, particularly in their career or education
persoană de succes, persoană ambițioasă
a person who actively avoids having any interaction with others
singuratic, reclus
someone who is difficult to please or deal with, and is often demanding or critical in their expectations
client dificil, client exigent