Comportament, Atitudine și Abordare - prevenirea
Explorați proverbe englezești care descriu prevenirea cu proverbe precum „o poticnire poate preveni o cădere” și „un foc mic este repede stins”.
Fișe de studiu
used to suggest that a small mistake or setback can serve as a warning or wake-up call that helps one avoid a larger, more serious problem or failure down the line
o poticnire poate preveni o cădere
used to imply that it is better to take steps to prevent problems from happening in the first place, rather than waiting to deal with the consequences of those problems later
used to suggest that it is preferable to take precautions and be cautious in order to avoid problems or regret later on
mai bine să ai grijă decât să-mi pare rău
used to imply that it is easier to create a problem or cause trouble than it is to solve it or correct the situation
used to imply that it is better to be overly cautious and prevent issues from arising than having to deal with the consequences later
unde merge o mie merge şi o sută
used to imply that it is more effective to take preventative measures to avoid problems or illnesses before they occur, rather than waiting to deal with them after they have already happened
prevenirea este întotdeauna mai bună decât vindecarea
used to suggest that securely binding or storing something ensures its safe retrieval later, emphasizing the importance of taking precautions and being organized
legare sigură, găsire sigură
used to emphasize that it is important to deal with issues as soon as they arise, before they have a chance to grow and become more difficult to handle
se stinge repede un foc mic
used to advise against being overly anxious or worrying about potential problems that have not yet arisen and suggests that one should only deal with problems when they actually occur
niciodată probleme până când necazurile nu te deranjează