Comportament, Atitudine și Abordare - Deschidere
Descoperiți cum proverbe englezești precum „marea nu refuză niciun râu” și „o stuf înainte ca vântul să trăiască mai departe” descriu deschiderea în engleză.
Fișe de studiu
used to warn against blindly accepting information as true, advising that one should be skeptical and verify before accepting it
used to emphasize the importance of being open-minded, receptive to new knowledge, and seeking guidance to enhance one's wisdom and understanding
used to highlight the importance of being flexible and adaptable in difficult or changing circumstances, as it can help one to survive and thrive
used to imply that a wise person is willing to admit their mistakes and change their opinion, while a foolish person is too stubborn or prideful to do so
used to suggest that people should be open and accepting of others despite their differences
used to convey If one's only tool is one narrow skill or way of thinking, one will tend to try to use that single approach for everything, even when it is not the most appropriate solution
used to imply that older people are less adaptable to change and new ideas than younger people, as it is difficult or impossible to change someone's old behaviors or habits
used to imply that when someone is not open to new ideas or experiences, they are limiting their own personal and intellectual growth
used to imply that it is easier to influence and shape someone's character and behavior when they are young, as it is difficult to change once they become set in their ways