Științe Umaniste ACT - Neregularitate și iraționalitate
Aici veți învăța câteva cuvinte în limba engleză legate de neregularitate și iraționalitate, cum ar fi „sporadic”, „absurd”, „fluke”, etc., care vă vor ajuta să obțineți ACT-urile.
Fișe de studiu
a feature that sets something or someone apart
pecularitate, particularitate
the quality of being noticeably new or different
noutate, originalitate
a surprising piece of good luck
o surpriză plăcută, un accident fericit
happening unexpectedly and without deliberate planning or foresight
aleatoriu, neintenționat
exciting or beautiful because of having qualities that are very unusual or different
exotic, neobișnuit
behaving in a manner that is considered strange and unconventional
excentric, ciudat
occurring unexpectedly or without prior planning
accidental, întâmplător
occurring from time to time, in an irregular manner
sporadic, neregulat
departing from established customs, norms, or expectations
deviant, aberrant
possessing a quality that is noticeable and different
distinctiv, caracteristic
recently invented or introduced, often implying novelty over practicality
nou, modern
very strange or unusual in a way that surprises or confuses people
bizar, ciudat
never having existed or happened before
fără precedent, neîntâlnit
having no equal or match due to excellence and uniqueness
fără egal, incomparabil
having unique characteristics or behaviors that are distinct to an individual or a particular group
idiosincratic, special
different from what is usual or expected, often indicating an irregularity
anormal, irregular
in a manner that is unlikely to happen or occur
într-o manieră improbabilă, improbabil
extremely unreasonable or illogical, often to the point of being ridiculous
absurd, ridicol
beyond what is natural or explainable by natural laws, often attributed to divine or mystical forces
supranatural, mistic
extremely silly or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at
ridicol, absurd
unconventional or strange in a way that is striking or shocking
extraordinar, ciudat
beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding or explanation
paranormal, dincolo de normal
contradictory to the expectations that are formed on common sense or intuition
contraintuitiv, neobișnuit
not based on reason but on chance or personal impulse, which is often unfair
arbitrar, aleator
unusual in a way that resembles a dream more than reality
surralist, ireal
unreasonable or exaggerated to the point of being laughable or ridiculous
ridicol, absurd
the intentional deviation from what is considered right or good
perversitate, depravedire
a logically contradictory statement that might actually be true