Humaniora ACT - Oegentlighet och irrationalitet
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska ord relaterade till oegentlighet och irrationalitet, såsom "sporadisk", "absurd", "fluke", etc. som hjälper dig att klara dina ACTs.
happening unexpectedly and without deliberate planning or foresight

tillfällig, slumparisk

exciting or beautiful because of having qualities that are very unusual or different

exotisk, ovanlig

behaving in a manner that is considered strange and unconventional

excentrisk, ovanlig

possessing a quality that is noticeable and different

distinktiv, karaktäristisk

recently invented or introduced, often implying novelty over practicality

ny, modern

having unique characteristics or behaviors that are distinct to an individual or a particular group

idiosynkratisk, unik

different from what is usual or expected, often indicating an irregularity

onormal, avvikande

having no basis in fact or reality, making something unreliable or untrue

ogrundad, grundlös

beyond what is natural or explainable by natural laws, often attributed to divine or mystical forces

övernaturlig, mystisk

unconventional or strange in a way that is striking or shocking

märklig, excentrisk

beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding or explanation

paranormal, utanför det normala

contradictory to the expectations that are formed on common sense or intuition

kontraintuitiv, motintuitiv

not based on reason but on chance or personal impulse, which is often unfair

godtycklig, slumplik

unusual in a way that resembles a dream more than reality

surrealistisk, orealistisk

the intentional deviation from what is considered right or good

perversitet, omoral