the inability or limitation to perform physical tasks or activities due to physical disabilities, injuries, or impairments
oförmåga, funktionsnedsättning
preventing someone or something from functioning properly
oförmögen, lamslående
suitable or acceptable for a given situation or purpose
lämplig, passande
to notify someone about a situation, event, or information
informera, underrätta
to clearly show that one has a quality or a feeling about someone or something
uppenbara, visa
consisting of fundamental and basic principles
grundläggande, elementär
the earlier versions of something that are not fully developed
grunder, tidiga versioner
not able to be reached or entered, usually due to obstacles or restrictions
not engaging in chemical reactions with other substances
inaktiv, icke reaktiv
not having the required amount or quality
otillräcklig, otillräckligt
not legally recognized, especially in a court of law
otillåten, oemottaglig
doing or happening unintentionally or accidentally
oavsiktlig, av misstag
the process or activity of using telephones for communication
a large stack of materials like hay or paper firmly tied together
bale, paket