Begrepp och Känslor - Känsla av tillhörighet
Behärska engelska ordspråk om känslan av tillhörighet, som "ett hus är inte ett hem" och "en mans hem är hans slott".
used to imply that one's own home is the most comfortable and enjoyable place to be, where one can feel safe, relaxed, and content
used to emphasize the idea that home is the most comfortable, safe, and familiar place where one can relax and be oneself
used to say that a physical structure or dwelling does not necessarily become a home until it is filled with love, warmth, personal memories and experiences, and a sense of belonging
used to imply that even if a home is modest or plain, it still holds a special place in one's heart because it is a place of comfort and familiarity
used to imply that one's true home or place of belonging is where one's loved ones, family, and cherished memories are, rather than a physical location or a specific house
used to emphasize the importance of having control over one's living space and the happenings therein, and the right to privacy and security within the home
used to suggest that people tend to feel more comfortable, confident, and powerful in their own familiar surroundings
used to imply that people or animals tend to be more confident and assertive in their own familiar surroundings, and may show more courage when defending their own territory
used to suggest that people may feel more confident and assertive in their own familiar surroundings, where their behavior is unlikely to be challenged or tested