Adjektiv för Fysiska Mänskliga Egenskaper - Adjektiv för funktionshinder
Dessa adjektiv ger information om karaktären, omfattningen eller inverkan av ett funktionshinder på en persons fysiska, sensoriska, kognitiva eller känslomässiga funktion.
completely or partial inability to use a part of one's body or mind, caused by an illness, injury, etc.

funktionshindrad, handikappad

having difficulty walking or moving due to disability in the feet or legs

halt, handikappad

unable to move or feel part or all of one's body due to injury or illness

förlamad, obenägen

having a significant physical impairment or disability that affects one's ability to move or function normally

handikappad, förlamad

having a physical or mental condition that limits one's movements, senses, or activities

funktionshindrad, handikappad

having autism spectrum disorder, a developmental condition that affects social interaction, communication, and behavior


facing difficulties or obstacles due to physical, mental, or developmental conditions

utmanad, med svårigheter

having physical, mental, or developmental conditions

annorlunda begåvad, person med funktionsnedsättning

(of a body part) surgically removed or missing due to injury or medical condition

amputerad, amputerade

relying on a wheelchair for mobility due to a physical disability

rullstolsbunden, med rörelsehinder

having a partial or complete loss of hearing

hörselskadad, med hörselnedsättning

having difficulty or limitations in moving around due to physical disabilities or conditions

rörelsehindrad, person med nedsatt rörlighet