Adjective ale Atributelor Fizice Umane - Adjective de dizabilitate
Aceste adjective oferă informații despre natura, amploarea sau impactul unei dizabilități asupra funcționării fizice, senzoriale, cognitive sau emoționale a unei persoane.
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completely or partial inability to use a part of one's body or mind, caused by an illness, injury, etc.
invalid, necapabil
having difficulty walking or moving due to disability in the feet or legs
schiop, invalid
(of a part of the body) lacking feeling or sensation
amorțit, insensibil
unable to move or feel part or all of one's body due to injury or illness
paralizat, nemişcat
having a significant physical impairment or disability that affects one's ability to move or function normally
împotmolit, cu handicap
having a physical or mental condition that limits one's movements, senses, or activities
neajutorat, îngreunat
having autism spectrum disorder, a developmental condition that affects social interaction, communication, and behavior
facing difficulties or obstacles due to physical, mental, or developmental conditions
provocat, cu dizabilități
having physical, mental, or developmental conditions
cu abilități diferite, persoană cu dizabilitate
(of a body part) surgically removed or missing due to injury or medical condition
amputat, amputată
relying on a wheelchair for mobility due to a physical disability
dependent de scaun cu rotile, cu mobilitate redusă
having a partial or complete loss of hearing
cu deficiență de auz, cu pierdere de auz
having difficulty or limitations in moving around due to physical disabilities or conditions
persoană cu mobilitate redusă, persoană cu dificultăți de mișcare
having difficulties with cognitive functions such as memory, learning, problem-solving, or understanding due to a developmental disorder, injury, or condition
cu deficiențe cognitive, implicat cognitiv