Sammansatta Adverb - Uttrycker kontrast
Upptäck hur sammansatta adverb som "i alla fall" och "på baksidan" uttrycker kontraster på engelska.
used to describe a situation where something or someone succeeds despite facing very difficult or unlikely circumstances
mot alla odds, trots alla svårigheter
used to indicate that the speaker is moving on to another point or topic
hur som helst, i alla fall
used to highlight the differences between two or more things or people
i kontrast, å andra sidan
used to indicate that the opposite or a different viewpoint is true in response to a previous statement
å andra sidan, tvärtom
used to introduce a contrasting aspect of a situation
å andra sidan, i kontrast
used to introduce one aspect of a situation, often followed by a contrasting statement
å ena sidan, å andra sidan
used to introduce a contrasting aspect of a situation, especially when comparing it to a previous point
å andra sidan, å sin sida
used to reconsider something after gaining more information or experience
i retrospekt, i efterklokhet