Akademisk IELTS (Band 5 och Under) - Significance
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska ord relaterade till Significance som är nödvändiga för det akademiska IELTS-provet.
extremely important or essential, often having a significant impact on the outcome of a situation

avgörande, viktig

related to the core and most important or basic parts of something

grundläggande, fundamental

well-known or easily recognizable due to importance, influence, or distinct features

framträdande, betydande

the most outstanding, enjoyable or exciting part of something

höjdpunkt, framträdande

to emphasize the importance of something by making it seem more noticeable

understryka, betona

not necessary or crucial and capable of being omitted without affecting the main aspects

inte nödvändig, onödig

having little importance, effect, or seriousness, particularly when compared to other similar things

mindre, oviktig

having less importance or value when compared to something else

sekundär, mindre viktigt