Humaniora SAT - Manuell åtgärd
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska ord som är relaterade till manuella handlingar, såsom "etsa", "nudge", vrida"", etc. som du behöver för att klara dina SATs.
to write hastily or carelessly without giving attention to legibility or form

klottra, skissa snabbt

to add notes that explain or comment on something, such as a text, document, or image

annotera, kommentera

to record spoken words, notes, or any information in a written form

transkribera, notera

to jab or poke a person or thing with a finger, stick, or other pointed object to get their attention or make them do something

sticka, knuffa

to vigorously and continuously throw objects, often with force or intensity

kasta, bombardera

to cut or carve designs or writings on a hard surface, often using acid or a laser beam

etsning, gravera

to combine different elements together intricately or harmoniously

sammanfläta, kombinera

to twist or weave together, creating a complex and interconnected structure

fläta samman, sammafläta

to throw something forcefully and suddenly, often in a less controlled way

slänga, kasta

to gently push or prod someone or something, often to get attention or suggest a course of action

försiktigt knuffa, ge en lätt knuff