Гуманітарні Науки SAT - Ручні дії
Тут ви дізнаєтеся деякі англійські слова, пов’язані з ручними діями, як-от «etch», «nudge», wring» тощо, які вам знадобляться, щоб складати SAT.
to write hastily or carelessly without giving attention to legibility or form

калякати, писати нерозбірливо

to add notes that explain or comment on something, such as a text, document, or image

анотувати, коментувати

to record spoken words, notes, or any information in a written form

транскрибувати, записувати

to jab or poke a person or thing with a finger, stick, or other pointed object to get their attention or make them do something

штовхати, підштовхувати

to vigorously and continuously throw objects, often with force or intensity

кинути, підкидати

to cut or carve designs or writings on a hard surface, often using acid or a laser beam

гравірувати, висікати

to repair by applying a piece of material to cover a hole or damage

защепити, відремонтувати

to combine different elements together intricately or harmoniously

переплітати, з'єднувати

to twist or weave together, creating a complex and interconnected structure

переплітати, вплітати

to throw something forcefully and suddenly, often in a less controlled way

кинути, швиряти

to push an object or person with considerable strength and speed

штовхати, втикати

to gently push or prod someone or something, often to get attention or suggest a course of action

підштовхнути, попхати