
Etki ve Katılım - Ana Unsurlar

"Çıplak kemikler" ve "parça ve parça" gibi örneklerle ana unsurlarla ilgili İngilizce deyimleri keşfedin.


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Öğrenmeye başla
English idioms related to Influence & Involvement
alpha and omega

the most important parts or features of something

bare bones

the most important or basic facts about something

temel unsurlar

temel unsurlar

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bare essentials

things that are considered the most basic or necessary

temel gerekler

temel gerekler

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building blocks

small parts that once joined can make a whole

temel taşları

temel taşları

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the nitty-gritty

the most important aspects or principles of something such as an experience or idea

part and parcel

a part of something that is considered its most integral or essential component

nuts and bolts

the most basic or essential aspects of something

grass roots

a movement that originates from ordinary people or the general public, rather than from the leaders or officials of an organization or political party

taban hareketi

taban hareketi

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