
Nitelikleri Tanımlama - Düşük Kalite veya Koşul

"Daha kötü" ve "hatırlanmayacak kadar kötü" gibi örneklerle kalitesiz veya kötü durumda olan İngilizce deyimleri keşfedin.


Gözden Geçir


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Öğrenmeye başla
English Idioms used to Describe Qualities
fair to middling

moderately good

ne iyi ne kötü

ne iyi ne kötü

to leave a lot to be desired

to fail to fulfill one's expectations

çok yetersiz olmak

çok yetersiz olmak

in bad nick

in a very unfavorable or disadvantageous condition

kötü durumda

kötü durumda

cracked up to be

used to say that a person or thing is not as good as other people say they are

söylendiği kadar değil

söylendiği kadar değil

the poor man's something

a thing that is less desirable or has a lower quality or price than what was mentioned

bir şeyin kötü bir kopyası

bir şeyin kötü bir kopyası

worse for wear

in a very bad physical condition due to being used for an extended period of time



dog's breakfast

something that is done vey poorly

kötü iş

kötü iş

somebody could do worse

used to suggest someone that a particular course of action or choice is better than what they think, even though it is still bad

daha iyisi olamaz

daha iyisi olamaz

beyond recall

used to refer to something that cannot be restored to its original or previous condition

dönüşü olmayan

dönüşü olmayan

out at (the) elbows

(of a piece of clothing) looking shabby and worn-out

eski püskü

eski püskü

at a low ebb

in a depressed, bad, or weakened state

çok kötü halde

çok kötü halde

on the blink

used to refer to machinary that is not functioning properly or at all



out of action

unable to operate normally for a limited time

kullanılmaz halde

kullanılmaz halde

to give up the ghost

(of a machine) to fail to work properly

bozulmak (makine/motor)

bozulmak (makine/motor)

down at heel

looking cheap, worn, or filthy

eski püskü

eski püskü

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