Nitelikler - Zaman ve Zamanlılık
"Dakiklik işin ruhudur" ve "gecikmeler tehlikelidir" gibi zaman ve zamanlılıkla ilgili İngilizce atasözlerinde ustalaşın.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
used to warn that procrastination or putting off important tasks or decisions can lead to negative consequences and missed opportunities
bugünün işini yarına bırakma
used to imply that negative experiences, such as sorrow or hardship, can make time feel slow and endless, while positive experiences, like joy or happiness, can make time seem to fly by
acı günün akşamı çabuk gelir
used to imply that being productive and busy makes time seem to pass quickly, while being idle and unproductive can make time seem to drag on
çalışan için günler kısa, tembel için günler uzundur
used to imply that a task or action was accomplished immediately after it was suggested or requested
bir şey hemen yerine getirilmesi gerek
used to suggest that being on time and meeting deadlines is essential for the success of any business or professional endeavor
dakiklik işin ruhudur
used to imply that there is no better time to act or do something than the present moment
bugünün işini yarına bırakma
used to emphasize that time and opportunities will not wait for anyone, and that once they have passed, they cannot be regained
zaman senin için beklemez
used to implt that time is a valuable and limited resource that should be used wisely and not taken for granted, as once it has passed, it cannot be regained
zaman su gibi akar
used to emphasize that time is a valuable and limited resource that should be used wisely and efficiently
vakit nakittir
used to suggest that those who start early and work hard are more likely to be successful and not need to rely on others for help
erken kalkan yol alır
used to suggest there are appropriate times to express oneself and times to refrain from speaking
suskunluk altındır
used to imply that the person who starts their day or task early will have an advantage over those who start later or procrastinate
erken kalkan yol alır