
Nitelikler - Önem ve Öncelik

"Kartallar asla sinek yakalamaz" ve "sivrisinekleri süzün ve develeri yutun" gibi sözlerle önem ve öncelik ile ilgili İngilizce atasözlerini keşfedin.


Gözden Geçir


Flash kartlar



Öğrenmeye başla
the head and feet keep warm, the rest will take no harm

used to suggest that by focusing on the core aspects and addressing them effectively, one can avoid unnecessary complications and protect oneself from potential risks or harm

strain at gnats and swallow camels

used to describe the act of focusing excessively on small or insignificant details while ignoring or overlooking much larger and more important matters

ağaca bakmaktan ormanı görememek

ağaca bakmaktan ormanı görememek

while the grass grows, the horse starves

used to warn against neglecting immediate needs and responsibilities in favor of long-term aspirations, as doing so can lead to negative consequences

bugünün işini yarına bırakma

bugünün işini yarına bırakma

eagles not catch flies

used to imply that people of high status or intelligence do not waste their time on trivial matters or insignificant people

kartal sinek avlamaz

kartal sinek avlamaz

the mother of mischief is no bigger than a midge's wing

used to suggest that seemingly minor or insignificant things can be the root of significant problems or mischief

küçük bir ihmal,  büyük bir felakete yol açabilir

küçük bir ihmal, büyük bir felakete yol açabilir

it is idle to swallow the cow and choke on the tail

used to imply that it is unwise to take on a task or challenge without being fully prepared to handle all of its components and potential consequences

küçük bir hata yüzünden tüm çabaların boşa gitmemesi gerek

küçük bir hata yüzünden tüm çabaların boşa gitmemesi gerek

do not lose sight of the forest for the trees

used to emphasize that one should not become so focused on small details that one loses sight of the bigger picture or the main goal

detaylara takılıp asıl mevzudan uzaklaşamayız

detaylara takılıp asıl mevzudan uzaklaşamayız

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