
Nitelikler - Kullanışlılık ve Değer

"Aydaki adamdan fazlası olamaz" ve "mağaza acımaz" gibi kullanışlılık ve değere ilişkin İngilizce atasözlerinde ustalaşın.


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Öğrenmeye başla
it does not matter if a cat is black or white  as long as it catches mice

used to imply that achieving the desired outcome is more important than superficial qualities or traditional approaches, highlighting the importance of practicality and effectiveness

sonuç her zaman yüzeysel konulardan daha önemli

sonuç her zaman yüzeysel konulardan daha önemli

a king's chaff is worth more than other men's corn

used to imply that something associated with a person in a position of power is perceived as more valuable than the same thing associated with someone of lesser status, regardless of its actual worth

baba parası olmayan oğlun çiftliği çorak olur

baba parası olmayan oğlun çiftliği çorak olur

a store is no sore

used to highlight the idea of keeping or storing items that may not have immediate value or purpose, as they could prove useful or valuable in the future

fazla mal göz çıkarmaz

fazla mal göz çıkarmaz

free vinegar is sweeter than honey

used to suggest that something that is free is often more appreciated than something that is expensive, even if the free thing is of lower quality

bedava sirke baldan tatlıdır

bedava sirke baldan tatlıdır

it is a poor dog that is not worth whistling for

used to imply that even seemingly insignificant things or people can have value or usefulness, and that one should not dismiss or underestimate them too quickly

önemsiz sanılan şeyler bile bir gün önem kazanabilir

önemsiz sanılan şeyler bile bir gün önem kazanabilir

not worth a brass farthing

used to imply that something or someone is completely worthless and has no value at all

beş para etmez olmak

beş para etmez olmak

one man's trash is another man's treasure

used to suggest that what is considered worthless by one person may be valuable to another, as value is subjective and varies from person to person

birinin çöpü başkasının hazinesidir

birinin çöpü başkasının hazinesidir

keep a thing seven years and you will find a use for it

used to suggest that if one holds on to something for a long enough time, one will eventually find a purpose or a use for it

sakla samanı gelir zamanı

sakla samanı gelir zamanı

no more than the man in the moon

used to imply that someone or something is considered to be insignificant, unimportant, or of little value

aydaki adamdan daha fazlası değil

aydaki adamdan daha fazlası değil

Google Translate
jack of all trades, master of none

a versatile and adaptable individual who can handle a variety of tasks effectively

on parmağında on marifet olan kişi

on parmağında on marifet olan kişi

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