
Nitelikler - Dualite ve Kontrast

"Her ışığın bir gölgesi vardır" ve "en kötü hastaları doktorlar yaratır" gibi sözlerle ikiliği ve karşıtlığı tasvir eden İngilizce atasözlerini keşfedin.


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Öğrenmeye başla
clergymen's sons always turn out badly

used to imply that the burden of high expectations placed on the children of successful or accomplished individuals can be damaging and lead to rebellion or negative behavior

hak yolunda olanın evlatları şaşar

hak yolunda olanın evlatları şaşar

doctors make the worst patients

used to imply that those who work in a certain profession may be difficult clients or recipients of services related to that profession due to their preconceived notions and knowledge of the field

insanlara uzmanı oldukları alanda tavsiye vermek zordur

insanlara uzmanı oldukları alanda tavsiye vermek zordur

every light has its shadow

used to imply that in any situation or experience, there are both positive and negative aspects that coexist

her güzelin bir kusuru vardır

her güzelin bir kusuru vardır

every white has its black, and every sweet its sour

used to emphasize that every positive or desirable thing is accompanied by its contrasting or negative counterpart

her güzelin bir kusuru vardır

her güzelin bir kusuru vardır

extremes meet

used to suggest that two seemingly opposite or extreme things or people can actually have some common ground or similarity, despite their apparent differences

aşırılıklar buluşuyor

aşırılıklar buluşuyor

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from the sublime to the ridiculous is only a step

used to imply that it is possible for something that is very serious or profound to quickly and easily become something trivial or absurd, often with little warning or explanation

iyiyle kötü arasında ince bir çizgi vardır

iyiyle kötü arasında ince bir çizgi vardır

honey is sweet, but the bee stings

used for saying that something may appear pleasant or desirable on the surface, but it can have negative or harmful consequences as well

balın da yağı var

balın da yağı var

one cannot love and be wise

used to imply the idea that love is often associated with strong emotions and impulsive behavior, which can cloud a person's judgment and lead them to behave foolishly or make unwise decisions

hem aşık hem akıllı olunmaz

hem aşık hem akıllı olunmaz

opposites (often) (tend to) attract

used to suggest that people are often drawn to those who are different from themselves in terms of personality, interests, or other characteristics

zıt kutuplar birbirini çeker

zıt kutuplar birbirini çeker

the road to hell is paved with good intentions

used to imply that even if one's intentions are good, one's actions may still lead to negative consequences, and that one must be mindful of the impact of one's actions on others

cehenneme giden yol iyi niyet taşlarıyla döşenmiştir

cehenneme giden yol iyi niyet taşlarıyla döşenmiştir

the shoemaker's son always goes barefoot

used to imply that professionals or experts in a particular field may neglect to use their skills or services for their own benefit or that of their family members

terzi kendi söküğünü dikemez

terzi kendi söküğünü dikemez

the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak

used to suggest that even though a person may have the desire or intention to do something, their physical weakness or limitations may prevent them from actually carrying it out

irade gücü var, beden güçsüz

irade gücü var, beden güçsüz

there is no joy without alloy

used to suggest that even the happiest experiences in life come with some negative aspects or challenges

her zevkin bir bedeli vardır

her zevkin bir bedeli vardır

wanton kittens make sober cats

used to describe the behavior of young people, who may be impulsive and reckless in their youth but become more responsible and sensible as they get older

genç dediğin gezer tozar, yaş aldıkça uslanır

genç dediğin gezer tozar, yaş aldıkça uslanır

where God builds a church, the devil will build a chapel

used to suggest that wherever there is progress or success, there will always be those who seek to exploit or corrupt it

her başarılı durumun yanında onu bozmak isteyenler de vardır

her başarılı durumun yanında onu bozmak isteyenler de vardır

God sends meat and the devil sends cooks

used to warn against being misled by tempting but ultimately harmful or unnecessary things, emphasizing that God provides what we need while the devil tempts us with what we want

iyilikler tanrıdan kötülükler ise şeytandan gelir

iyilikler tanrıdan kötülükler ise şeytandan gelir

fire is a good servant but a bad master

used to imply that while certain things can be beneficial when used properly, they can become harmful or dangerous if they are not controlled or managed effectively

tuz kârı kadar faydalı, fazlası zararlıdır

tuz kârı kadar faydalı, fazlası zararlıdır

go abroad and you will hear news of home

used to suggest that being away from home can make a person more interested in news from their home and family, as they are no longer directly involved in the daily events

uzakta olanın kulağı çabuk çeker

uzakta olanın kulağı çabuk çeker

one man's loss is another man's gain

used to imply that resources and opportunities are finite, and that one person's loss can create an opportunity for someone else to succeed

birinin kaybı bir başkasının kazancıdır

birinin kaybı bir başkasının kazancıdır

the cobbler's wife is the worst shod

used to suggest that professionals or experts in a particular field may neglect to apply their skills or services to their own lives or those of their immediate family

terzi kendi söküğünü dikemez

terzi kendi söküğünü dikemez

everyone wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die

used to suggest that people often desire the rewards or benefits of a particular goal but are not willing to take the necessary steps or make the necessary sacrifices to achieve it

herkes cennete gitmek ister ama hiçkimse ölmek istemez

herkes cennete gitmek ister ama hiçkimse ölmek istemez

the weakness of the enemy makes our strength

used to suggest that the vulnerabilities of one's opponent can provide an opportunity for one's own strength or power to be demonstrated

düşmanın zaafı bizim gücümüzü oluşturur

düşmanın zaafı bizim gücümüzü oluşturur

every rose has its thorn

used to imply that every good thing in life has its own negative aspects or challenges

her gülün dikeni vardır

her gülün dikeni vardır

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