Bağlama ve Ayırma Fiilleri - Kazmak için Fiiller
Burada "mayın", "oyuk" ve "kepçe" gibi kazmaya atıfta bulunan bazı İngilizce fiilleri öğreneceksiniz.
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Flash kartlar
to remove earth or another substance using a tool, machine, or hands
to carve out the inner part or center of something, creating an empty space
oymak, içini boşaltmak
to dig a hole or tunnel into the ground or other surface to create a space for shelter or habitation
yuva yapmak, kazmak
to dig out a corpse from the ground, especially from a grave, for examination, reburial, or other purposes
mezardan çıkarmak
to dig using a tool with a flat blade and a long handle
kürekle kazmak, toprağı kazmak
to lift or remove something using a tool with a hollowed surface
kaşık ile çıkarmak
to use a rounded blade attached to a long handle to dig or move earth