Bağlama ve Ayırma Fiilleri - Kesmek için Fiiller
Burada "trim", "shred" ve "chop" gibi kesmeyle ilgili bazı İngilizce fiilleri öğreneceksiniz.
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to use a sharp object like scissors or a knife on something to remove a section from it

to cut beard, hair, or fur in a neat and orderly manner

kırkmak (saç/sakal), kesip düzeltmek
to pierce or tear the skin or flesh, causing deep and often irregular wounds

to make a slight and precise cut, typically with a razor or a sharp tool

kırpmak, kesmek

to cut grass, wheat, etc. with a gardening machine or handheld tools, such as a scythe

biçmek (çim/ot)
to cut the edges or parts of something, often to change its shape or size

kırpmak, kısaltmak

to use a sharp object like scissors or a knife on something to remove a piece from its edge or ends

kesip ayırmak
to cut through a material using a tool with a toothed blade

testereyle kesmek, testereyle biçmek