C2 Düzeyi Kelime Listesi - Punishment
Burada, özellikle C2 seviyesindeki öğrenciler için derlenmiş, Ceza hakkında konuşmak için gerekli tüm kelimeleri öğreneceksiniz.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
a sealed room or chamber where poisonous gas is introduced to execute condemned individuals, typically used as a method of capital punishment

gaz odası, gazla infaz odası

the physical punishment of people, especially of children or convicts

fiziksel ceza
the practice of isolating a prisoner in a small, often windowless cell, with minimal human contact or environmental stimulation, as a form of punishment or for security reasons

hücre hapsi
a monetary amount paid to someone as compensation for loss, damage, or injury caused by someone else's wrongdoing, criminal behavior, or negligence

the official in charge of a prison or correctional facility, responsible for overseeing the administration, security, and well-being of inmates

hapishane müdürü
a person, especially an official, whose role or job is to kill convicted people as a means of punishment

the formal act of sending a person to a mental health facility, prison, or similar institution, often following legal proceedings

teslim etme
a group of individuals, typically soldiers or law enforcement officers, designated to carry out a military or legal execution by firing bullets at a condemned person simultaneously

kurşuna dizme timi, infaz mangası

to confine someone in prison or a similar facility due to legal reasons or as a form of punishment

to no longer be able to access a right, property, privilege, etc. as a result of violating a law or a punishment for doing something wrong

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