Книга Solutions - Нижче середнього - Блок 4 - 4Н
Тут ви знайдете лексику з розділів 4 - 4H у підручнику Solutions Pre-Intermediate, наприклад «проте», «змінити», «інвестувати» тощо.
a permanent change in global or regional climate patterns, including temperature, wind, and rainfall

зміна климату
a light substance produced in a chemical process that can be formed into different shapes when heated

the thin sheets on which one can write, draw, or print things, also used as wrapping material


the increase in the average temperature of the Earth as a result of the greenhouse effect

глобальне потепління, збільшення середньої температури Землі

a type of animal or plant that is at risk of becoming extinct

вимерлі види, загрозливі види

raw materials found in nature that are used by human beings

природні ресурси, сировинні ресурси

a type of energy derived from natural sources that can be replenished, such as sunlight, wind, and water

відновлювальна енергія

the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, primarily from burning fossil fuels, industrial processes, and etc.

викиди вуглецю, викиди вуглецю в атмосферу

the amount of carbon dioxide that an organization or person releases into the atmosphere

вуглецевий слід
a type of gas with no color and smell that is produced by burning carbon or during breathing out

діоксид вуглецю
a fuel that is found in nature and obtained from the remains of plants and animals that died millions of years ago, such as coal and gas

викопне паливо
to entirely consume a resource, leaving none remaining

вичерпати, використати повністю

to devote a lot of effort, time, etc. to something from which one expects to achieve a good result

інвестувати, присвячувати