
Książka Solutions - Średnio zaawansowany niższy - Jednostka 4 - 4H

Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z rozdziałów 4 - 4H z podręcznika Solutions Pre-Intermediate, takie jak „mimo to”, „zmienić”, „inwestować” itp.









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Solutions - Pre-Intermediate
to combat

to prevent something harmful from happening or becoming worse

zwalczać, walczyć z

zwalczać, walczyć z

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climate change

a permanent change in global or regional climate patterns, including temperature, wind, and rainfall

zmiana klimatu

zmiana klimatu

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a light substance produced in a chemical process that can be formed into different shapes when heated



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the thin sheets on which one can write, draw, or print things, also used as wrapping material



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a container that is used for drinks and is made of glass

szklanka, kieliszek

szklanka, kieliszek

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global warming

the increase in the average temperature of the Earth as a result of the greenhouse effect

globalne ocieplenie, wzrost średniej temperatury Ziemi

globalne ocieplenie, wzrost średniej temperatury Ziemi

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the way that someone acts, particularly in the presence of others

zachowanie, postawa

zachowanie, postawa

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a type of life that a person or group is living

styl życia, tryb życia

styl życia, tryb życia

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endangered species

a type of animal or plant that is at risk of becoming extinct

gatunek zagrożony, gatunek w zagrożeniu

gatunek zagrożony, gatunek w zagrożeniu

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natural resources

raw materials found in nature that are used by human beings

surowce naturalne, zasoby naturalne

surowce naturalne, zasoby naturalne

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renewable energy

a type of energy derived from natural sources that can be replenished, such as sunlight, wind, and water

carbon emission

the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, primarily from burning fossil fuels, industrial processes, and etc.

carbon footprint

the amount of carbon dioxide that an organization or person releases into the atmosphere

ślady węglowe, wniosek węglowy

ślady węglowe, wniosek węglowy

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carbon dioxide

a type of gas with no color and smell that is produced by burning carbon or during breathing out

dwutlenek węgla, diodo węgla

dwutlenek węgla, diodo węgla

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fossil fuel

a fuel that is found in nature and obtained from the remains of plants and animals that died millions of years ago, such as coal and gas

paliwo kopalne, źródło energii kopalnej

paliwo kopalne, źródło energii kopalnej

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to rely on

to have faith in someone or something

polegać na, ufać

polegać na, ufać

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to reduce

to make something smaller in amount, degree, price, etc.

zmniejszyć, redukować

zmniejszyć, redukować

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to cause

to make something happen, usually something bad

powodować, spowodować

powodować, spowodować

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to emit

to release gases or odors into the air

emitować, wydzielać

emitować, wydzielać

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to lead

to guide or show the direction for others to follow

to use up

to entirely consume a resource, leaving none remaining

wyczerpać, zużyć całkowicie

wyczerpać, zużyć całkowicie

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to recycle

to make a waste product usable again

recyklingować, ponownie wykorzystać

recyklingować, ponownie wykorzystać

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to protect

to prevent someone or something from being damaged or harmed

chronić, ochraniać

chronić, ochraniać

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to invest

to devote a lot of effort, time, etc. to something from which one expects to achieve a good result

inwestować, poświęcać

inwestować, poświęcać

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to alter

to cause something to change

zmieniać, modyfikować

zmieniać, modyfikować

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to save

to keep someone or something safe and away from harm, death, etc.

uratować, ochronić

uratować, ochronić

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(of a substance or product) causing no harm to the environment

ekologiczny, zrównoważony

ekologiczny, zrównoważony

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used to introduce an opposing statement

niemniej jednak, jednakże

niemniej jednak, jednakże

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what is more

used to introduce an additional point or emphasize an even greater extent of what has been previously mentioned

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