Опис Якостей - Nature
Досліджуйте англійські ідіоми, пов’язані з природою, зокрема «біле Різдво» та «собачі дні».
act of God
an earthquake, storm, or any other natural event that humans cannot prevent or control

стихійне лихо
dog days
a period of hot weather between early July and early September

собачі дні, спекотні дні

dry spell
a period in which the weather is really warm and there is no rain

суха пора, посуха

come rain or come shine
used for saying that one does something regardless of how bad the weather is
white Christmas
a period of time in the Christmas eve when the snow has covered a huge portion of the ground

Біле Різдво, Снігове Різдво

Indian summer
a period marked by unusually dry and warm weather that often occurs at late autumn

індійське літо


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