to travel or move across or through in a specified direction

перетинати, проходити

to heat a liquid and turn it into gas then cool it and make it liquid again in order to purify it

дистилювати, очищати

a product resulting from heating a liquid until it changes to vapor and then allowing it to change back to liquid

дистилят, продукт дистиляції

the changing process of a liquid to a gas and then cooling it which results in the forming of a purified liquid


a company or a person that produces strong alcoholic drinks through a process in which a liquid is formed after cooling vapors

дистилятор, виробник спиртних напоїв

to attribute a particular quality, cause, or origin to someone or something

приписувати, администрувати

a person who lives a strict life and avoids physical pleasures, particularly due to religious beliefs

аскет, еріет

to determine something with certainty by careful examination or investigation

встановити, з'ясувати

having great importance and requiring immediate attention or action

імперативний, терміновий

to write or speak about a subject and include much detail

викладати, розгортати

to banish or force an individual to live in another country

експатріювати, вигнати