any written or spoken word considered as a series of letters and sounds, regardless of its meaning

слово, словосполучення

a particular occupation which one finds worthy and is trained for

покликання, професія

a division between a group of people caused by their disagreement over beliefs or views

схизма, розподіл

capable of changing in form to be used for different purposes

конвертований, трансформований

(of natural forces such as wind, water, or other environmental factors) to gradually wear away or diminish the surface of a material

ерозувати, розмивати

a state of drunkenness caused by consuming too much alcohol

оп’яніння, тверезість

to be applicable, connected, or relevant to a particular subject, circumstance, or situation

стосуватися, належати

determinedly continuing to do or to believe something, even when it gets difficult

упертий, настійний

the quality of having determination to continue doing or believing something in spite of any opposition or hardships

упертість, настирливість

to free someone from slavery or forced labor, giving them freedom and independence

емансипувати, визволяти