Книга Total English - Просунутий - Блок 7 - Довідка
Тут ви знайдете лексику з Розділу 7 - Довідник у підручнику Total English Advanced, наприклад «habitat», «sanctuary», «rare» тощо.
a class of animals to which humans, cows, lions, etc. belong, have warm blood, fur or hair and typically produce milk to feed their young

to move stealthily or quietly towards prey or a target, typically in a deliberate and calculated manner

вислідковувати, підкрадатися

the place or area in which certain animals, birds, or plants naturally exist, lives, and grows

середовище проживання
a particular type of animal or plant that has typically been domesticated by people in a certain way

(of some animals or plants) to spend the winter sleeping deeply

зимувати, спати взимку

an area for birds and animals to live and to be protected from dangerous conditions and being hunted

святилище, природний заповідник

a protected area of land or water that is set aside for the preservation and protection of natural habitats, wildlife, and plant species

природний заповідник, заповідна територія

(of an animal, plant, etc.) being at risk of extinction

під загрозою зникнення, під загрозою

a class of animals to which crocodiles, lizards, etc. belong, characterized by having cold blood and scaly skin

a structure that a bird makes for laying eggs or keeping the hatchlings in

гніздо, пташине гніздо

a once-thriving town or community that has been abandoned or largely deserted, often due to economic or environmental factors

привиджене місто, пустка

extremely impressive and beautiful, often evoking awe or excitement

пейзажний, вражаючий

a beautiful scene in the countryside that can be seen in one particular view

(of a volcano) currently showing signs of volcanic activity or having the potential to become active soon

активний, діючий

a mountain with an opening on its top, from which melted rock and ash can be pushed out into the air

harsh, providing an environment where life or growth is difficult or impossible

негостинний, ворожий

the latest or most advanced level of technology, design, or knowledge in a particular field
made by hand using traditional or artisanal methods rather than by automated or mass-production processes

ручної роботи, ремісничий

the gradual damage or deterioration that occurs to an object or property as a result of normal use or aging