Прикметники Абстрактних Людських Атрибутів - Прикметники негативних міжособистісних рис
Ці прикметники описують небажані якості чи поведінку, які перешкоджають взаємодії та стосункам, наприклад «маніпулятивний», «неповажний», «підлий» тощо.
using or involving physical force that is intended to damage, harm, or kill

агресивний, насильний

behaving in an immoral or evil manner, often causing harm or distress to others

злодійський, підступний

behaving in an angry way and having a tendency to be violent

агресивний, агресивна

showing no mercy or compassion towards others in pursuit of one's goals

безжальний, недобрий

finding pleasure, particularly sexual pleasure in hurting or humiliating others

садистський, жорстокий

readily trainable, displaying a willingness to learn and follow instructions

покірний, слухняний

behaving boldly or in a morally questionable manner without feeling embarrassment or remorse

безсоромний, цині́чний

excessively confident and arrogant, often displaying a sense of superiority or entitlement

самовпевнений, монументальний

behaving in a secretive or underhanded manner, often with the intention of deceiving others

підступний, хитрий

excessively concerned with minor details and having particular preferences, often being difficult to please

привередливий, дотошний

experiencing frequent changes in mood, often without apparent reason or explanation

overly particular about small details, making one challenging to please

придирливий, педантичний

tending to criticize or form negative opinions about others without considering their perspective or circumstances

осуджувальний, критичний

lacking interest or concern for others and avoiding social interactions or activities

антисоціальний, асоціальний

unwelcoming or unfriendly towards others, making others feel uncomfortable in their presence

негостинний, негостиння

not able to be depended on or trusted to perform consistently or fulfill obligations

always putting one's interests first and not caring about the needs or rights of others

experiencing frequent changes in mood or behavior, often in an unpredictable or inconsistent manner

темпераментний, варіативний

not appreciating or acknowledging kindness, often taking things for granted

недячний, невдячний

not open or responsive to new ideas, suggestions, or experiences

неприйнятний, негативний

(of a person) not caring about the needs and feelings of no one but one's own

егоїстичний, сосереджений на собі