Прикметники, Що Описують Сенсорні Відчуття - Прикметники за звучанням
Звукові прикметники описують слухові якості та характеристики шумів, передаючи такі атрибути, як «голосний», «мелодійний», «пронизливий» тощо.
(of a sound) having a subdued quality, with reduced intensity or volume
приглушений, тихий
having a quiet and calm state, often accompanied by quiet voices or sounds
прихований, тихий
speaking quietly and unclearly, making it hard for others to understand
бормотливий, мовчазний
(of sound) having a deep, clear, and echoing effect
резонансний, звучний
loud and harsh-sounding, often causing discomfort or irritation
гучний, різкий
involving or relating to sound waves with frequencies higher than the upper limit of human hearing
relating to a sound system that uses two or more channels to create a sense of space and depth in audio playback
(of sound) extremely high-pitched or intense that seems to cut through other sounds
пронизливий, різкий
having a loud and chaotic sound, often associated with uproar or disorder
бурхливий, шумний
having a pattern or regular sequence of sounds, movements, or events
ритмічний, гармонійний