Adjektive zur Beschreibung Sinnlicher Erfahrungen - Adjektive des Klangs
Klangadjektive beschreiben die Hörqualitäten und Eigenschaften von Geräuschen und vermitteln Attribute wie „laut“, „melodisch“, „durchdringend“ usw.
(of a sound) having a subdued quality, with reduced intensity or volume

gedämpft, leise

having a quiet and calm state, often accompanied by quiet voices or sounds

gedämpft, leise

speaking quietly and unclearly, making it hard for others to understand

murmelnd, brummend

involving or relating to sound waves with frequencies higher than the upper limit of human hearing


relating to a sound system that uses two or more channels to create a sense of space and depth in audio playback


(of sound) extremely high-pitched or intense that seems to cut through other sounds

durchdringend, stechend

having a loud and chaotic sound, often associated with uproar or disorder

stürmisch, chaotisch