to incinerate
to burn something completely until it turns into ashes

thiêu hủy, đốt hoàn toàn

[Động từ]
to postulate
to suggest or assume the existence or truth of something as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief

giả định, đặt ra giả thuyết

[Động từ]
to denigrate
to intentionally make harmful statements to damage a person or thing's worth or reputation

vùi dập, xúc phạm

[Động từ]
to fumigate
to use gas, smoke, or vapor to disinfect objects or remove any kind of bacteria, insects, etc.

xông khói, khử trùng bằng khói

[Động từ]
to narrate
to provide a spoken or written description of an event, story, etc.

kể lại, tường thuật

[Động từ]
to inculcate
to teach an idea, belief, skill, etc. through constant repetition

thấm nhuần, dạy qua sự lặp lại

[Động từ]

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