
Ngôn Ngữ Học - Lý thuyết và cách tiếp cận ngôn ngữ học

Tại đây bạn sẽ học một số từ tiếng Anh liên quan đến lý thuyết và cách tiếp cận ngôn ngữ như "lý thuyết theta", "mô hình sóng" và "chủ nghĩa xây dựng".


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Bắt đầu học
Words Related to Linguistics
generative grammar

(linguistics) a linguistic theory that believes in an innate set of rules which can be used to produce an infinite number of possible sentences in a language

Ngữ pháp sinh ra

Ngữ pháp sinh ra

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realizational morphology

the branch of linguistics that studies how words are created and how their structure reflects their meaning by focusing on morphemes

hình thái thực hiện

hình thái thực hiện

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distributed morphology

a theoretical framework within linguistics that focuses on the way morphological processes and structures are distributed across different levels of linguistic representation

hình thái phân bố

hình thái phân bố

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transformational grammar

a linguistic theory that aims to explain the rules behind the transformation of sentences from one form to another, such as from active to passive voice

ngữ pháp chuyển đổi

ngữ pháp chuyển đổi

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meaning-text theory

a linguistic framework that seeks to describe and explain the relationship between meaning and syntax in language

lý thuyết ý nghĩa văn bản

lý thuyết ý nghĩa văn bản

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Word Grammar

a linguistic framework that emphasizes the central role of words in language structure and meaning

Ngữ pháp từ

Ngữ pháp từ

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X-bar theory

a linguistic framework that provides a model for analyzing and representing the hierarchical structure of phrases in syntax

Lý thuyết thanh X

Lý thuyết thanh X

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operator grammar

a linguistic framework that focuses on the relationship between operators and their scope in the analysis of sentence structure and meaning

ngữ pháp toán tử

ngữ pháp toán tử

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arc pair grammar

a linguistic framework that aims to provide a formal and computationally tractable account of sentence structure and parsing

ngữ pháp cặp cung

ngữ pháp cặp cung

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bow-wow theory

a speculative hypothesis about the origin of language, suggesting that language developed as a result of humans imitating the sounds of natural phenomena and the vocalizations of animals

lý thuyết cung-wow

lý thuyết cung-wow

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functional linguistics

a linguistic framework that analyzes language based on the functions it serves in communication, focusing on the relationship between language and its social, cultural, and cognitive context to understand how language is used to express meaning and achieve communicative goals

ngôn ngữ học chức năng

ngôn ngữ học chức năng

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optimality theory

a linguistic framework that posits that language structures and patterns are governed by a set of universal constraints, which compete with each other to determine the optimal output

lý thuyết tối ưu

lý thuyết tối ưu

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construction grammar

a linguistic framework that focuses on the role of grammatical constructions, or form-meaning pairings, in language structure and usage

ngữ pháp xây dựng

ngữ pháp xây dựng

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a theoretical approach in linguistics that emphasizes the analysis of language structure as a system of interrelated elements, focusing on the underlying rules and patterns that govern language organization rather than individual linguistic units

chủ nghĩa cấu trúc

chủ nghĩa cấu trúc

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relevance theory

a framework within pragmatics that focuses on the process of communication and the role of relevance in comprehension

lý thuyết liên quan

lý thuyết liên quan

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autosegmental phonology

a linguistic framework that analyzes the phonological structure of languages by representing different phonological features and processes as separate and independent tiers, or autosegments, which interact with one another

âm vị học tự phân đoạn

âm vị học tự phân đoạn

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dynamic syntax

a linguistic framework that models language understanding as a dynamic and incremental process, where the interpretation of an utterance is built incrementally based on the combination of words and their interaction with the context

cú pháp động

cú pháp động

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a theoretical perspective that posits that knowledge and understanding are actively constructed by individuals through their interactions with the world

chủ nghĩa xây dựng

chủ nghĩa xây dựng

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frame semantics

a linguistic framework that analyzes meaning in terms of conceptual frames or mental structures, which organize our knowledge and understanding of the world

ngữ nghĩa khung

ngữ nghĩa khung

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dependency grammar

a linguistic framework that analyzes sentence structure by representing the relationships and dependencies between words using directed links, focusing on the hierarchical organization of these dependencies and the role of syntactic heads

ngữ pháp phụ thuộc

ngữ pháp phụ thuộc

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innateness hypothesis

a prominent theory in the field of language acquisition, which argues that humans possess a genetically predetermined capacity for acquiring and developing language

giả thuyết bẩm sinh

giả thuyết bẩm sinh

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constituent analysis

a linguistic method used to identify and analyze the grammatical constituents or structural units within a sentence, revealing the hierarchical relationships between words and phrases to understand the underlying syntactic structure

phân tích thành phần

phân tích thành phần

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linguistic prescription

the practice of prescribing or dictating specific rules, norms, and standards for language usage, often through formal grammars and style guides, with the aim of maintaining or promoting a particular variant or prestige form of a language

quy định ngôn ngữ

quy định ngôn ngữ

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evolutionary linguistics

an interdisciplinary approach that explores the evolutionary origins, development, and adaptive functions of language within human populations, integrating principles from linguistics, biology, anthropology, and cognitive science

ngôn ngữ học tiến hóa

ngôn ngữ học tiến hóa

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Skopos theory

an approach in translation studies that emphasizes the importance of the intended purpose or function (skopos) of a translation in guiding translation decisions, focusing on the target context and communicative goals

Lý thuyết Skopos

Lý thuyết Skopos

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a quantitative approach in linguistics that uses statistical methods and computational tools to analyze and measure linguistic variation and similarities across dialects or language varieties

phép biện chứng

phép biện chứng

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conceptual semantics

an approach in linguistics that focuses on the study of meaning by examining the cognitive concepts and categories underlying language, emphasizing the role of mental representations and cognitive processes in shaping linguistic meaning and understanding

ngữ nghĩa khái niệm

ngữ nghĩa khái niệm

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conversation analysis

a sociolinguistic research approach that analyzes naturally occurring conversations to uncover the underlying organizational patterns and interactive processes through which meaning is collaboratively constructed

phân tích hội thoại

phân tích hội thoại

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prototype theory

a cognitive framework that suggests that our understanding of categories is based on prototypes or typical examples that embody the core features of a category, and that category membership is determined by the degree of resemblance to these prototypes

lý thuyết nguyên mẫu

lý thuyết nguyên mẫu

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theta theory

a linguistic framework that seeks to explain the assignment of thematic roles to arguments in a sentence based on their relation to the verb and the syntactic structure of the sentence

lý thuyết theta

lý thuyết theta

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politeness theory

a framework in pragmatics that analyzes how individuals employ language strategies to manage social interactions and maintain positive face, while minimizing potential threats to face

lý thuyết lịch sự

lý thuyết lịch sự

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wave model

a sociolinguistic model that describes language changes and shifts over time as occurring in waves or successive stages, typically associated with the movement and interaction of different speech communities

mô hình sóng

mô hình sóng

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Sapir–Whorf hypothesis

the linguistic and anthropological proposition that suggests the structure of language shapes and influences our perception, thought processes, and cultural worldview

Giả thuyết Sapir–Whorf

Giả thuyết Sapir–Whorf

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contrastive analysis

a linguistic approach that compares and contrasts two or more languages or language varieties to identify similarities and differences in their structures, vocabulary, pronunciation, and other linguistic aspects

Phân tích tương phản

Phân tích tương phản

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lexical functional grammar

a linguistic framework that focuses on the interplay between lexical and syntactic structures in natural language

ngữ pháp chức năng từ vựng

ngữ pháp chức năng từ vựng

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combinatory categorial grammar

a linguistic framework within formal syntax that combines categorial grammar with combinatory logic to model the syntactic structure and compositionality of natural language sentences

ngữ pháp phân loại tổ hợp

ngữ pháp phân loại tổ hợp

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