书籍 Insight - 高级 - 单元 7 - 7D
在这里你可以找到《Insight Advanced》教材第7-7D单元的词汇,例如“flamboyance”、“hold the Floor”、“gleaming”等。
a showy and confident display of style or behavior, often characterized by boldness, colorfulness, and extravagance

浮夸, 炫耀

(geometry) a lack of symmetry or equivalence in shape or size between the two sides or parts of something


a person who consistently performs below their potential or fails to meet expected standards or goals

表现不佳的人, 未能发挥潜力的人

referring to the period or the things existing or happening after a war has ended

战后, 战后期

related to or characteristic of a system of government where power comes from the people through free elections and respects individual rights


a piece of painted cloth that is hung at the back of a theater stage as part of the scenery

背景幕, 舞台背景

a railway system that has only one rail instead of two, usually in an elevated position


in a manner that is done secretly or subtly, often to achieve a desired result without drawing much attention
an invisible barrier or limitation that prevents certain groups, particularly women or minority individuals, from advancing to higher positions or achieving higher levels of success in a professional or organizational context

玻璃天花板, 无形障碍

something, such as a book, move clip, etc., that provides one with information about a variety of people, places, events, or things that one cannot physically interact with or experience
to be brave or sociable enough to deliver a lengthy public speech without allowing any interruption
to completely beat someone in an argument or competition, particularly in a humiliating way
to perform or entertain in a way that causes the audience to react with extreme enthusiasm, such as by applauding loudly or cheering
used to refer to something, particularly a drink, offered for free by a restaurant, bar, or other establishment, usually as a gesture of hospitality or good will
used to describe a situation or activity that is developing with great intensity, speed, and success
to establish the basic principles or groundwork needed for the development of something more complex or substantial in the future
to experience a sudden and significant decline in one's emotional state, confidence, financial situation, etc.