careful to not spend money in an unnecessary or wasteful way
节俭的, 俭省的
using money carefully, often in order to save money for future needs
节俭的, 省钱的
(of a person) careful to avoid danger or mistakes
谨慎的, 小心的
having the ability to meet financial obligations and paying debts
有偿还能力的, 履行财务义务的
incapable of fulfilling financial obligations due to a lack of money
破产的, 无力偿债的
marked by extravagant and often wasteful use of resources or money
挥霍的, 浪费的
overly extravagant or wasteful, especially with money
costing a lot of money, more than the necessary or affordable amount
奢侈的, 浪费的
(of people) spending money in an extravagant or generous manner
奢华的, 慷慨的
unwilling to spend or give away money or resources
吝啬的, 小气的
(of a person or thing) using more resources, time, or money than is necessary or appropriate
浪费的, 挥霍的
having an extreme reluctance to spend money or resources
having committed to or taken on more tasks, responsibilities, or financial obligations than can be comfortably managed
过度延伸的, 过度负担的
unwilling to spend money
吝啬的, 省钱的
interested in making money or achieving financial gains
以利润为导向的, 追求利益的