In this lesson, we will learn all the rules and uses of the possessive determiner, 'Your.'

How to Use "Your" in the English Grammar

Your is a possessive determiner. In this lesson, we will discuss when and how to use it.

'Your' as a Possessive Determiner


Your as a possessive determiner shows that the person or the people the writer or the speaker is addressing, possesses or owns something. Now we will learn its functions. Have a look:

  • Your is used to show possession or ownership;

You left your phone on the table.

Why did you leave your car in the desert?

  • Your is impersonal, meaning something belongs to anyone;

Apples are good for your health.

'Your health' means 'everybody's health.'

Rules are set for your safety.

  • Your is used to refer to kings, queens, judges, etc... .

Your Highness, please consider a plan for the lack of the budget.

Your Majesty, I am at your service.

Position in a Sentence

Your as a possessive determiner always comes before a noun or a noun phrase. For example:

Your winning the game was awesome.

'Winning the game' is a noun phrase.

Why did you leave your car in the desert?

'Car' is a noun.


We cannot add any articles like 'a', 'an' and, 'the' or other determiners before 'your.' Take a look at the following example:

This could be your moment. ✔ This could be the your moment.


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