'How' is mainly known as an interrogative adverb to find out the way an action happens. But there is more to learn about this word. Click here to learn!
How is one of the commonly-used words in English. We will learn three functions of how.
Functions of 'How'
- Interrogative Adverb
- Conjunction of Manner
- Nominal Relative Pronoun
Now, look at each function in detail:
1. 'How' as an Interrogative Adverb
How as an interrogative adverb is used to ask questions about the way an action occurs. It also asks about the condition or quality, or the extent/degree of something. Now take a look at the functions of how with some examples:
- How asks about the way something happens. Like:
- How is used to ask about a condition or quality. Such as:
- How is used to ask about the extent/degree of something. In this case, how is followed by some adverbs or adjectives like 'old, much, many, often, etc.' Look:
Position in a Sentence
How is used at the beginning of the clause, the reason why inversion is required.
How an inversion is made?
- The interrogative adverb comes at the beginning of a clause.
- The clause of manner is removed.
- The subject and the verb are inverted.
1. In questions, the subject 'I' and 'we' are replaced with 'you.'
2. A semi-auxiliary or an auxiliary verb is needed for interrogation if there is a main verb in a sentence. Here is an example:
'How' comes at the beginning of the clause and the main verb 'go' needs the auxiliary verb 'did.'
'How' as an Exclamation
1. How as an interrogative adverb is used either alone to show emotions like surprise or anger. For example:
2. How as an interrogative adverb is used before an adjective to show surprise and emotion. Like:
2. 'How' as a Conjunction of Manner
How as a conjunction of manner heads the clause that plays the role of an adverb for the verb in the independent clause. In other words, it makes an adverb clause. For example:
Live your life
'How you want' is the adverb of 'live.'
Position in a Sentence
How as a conjunction of manner always comes at the beginning of the adverbial clause. An adverbial clause always follows the independent clause. For example:
Live your life
'How you want' is introduced by 'how.'
3. 'How' as a Nominal Relative Pronoun
Position in a Sentence
How as a relative pronoun always comes at the beginning of the relative clause. Here are two different forms of relative clauses with some examples:
- How can precede a sentence; for example:
- How can precede an infinitive. For example:
I do not know
'How to go' is the object of 'know.'