'Other' is commonly used in the English language and learners may confuse it with the word 'another.' In this lesson, we will learn more about 'other.'

How to use "Other" in English Grammar

'Other' is used widely in the English language. In this lesson, we have covered all its uses and its positions in a sentence.

Functions of 'Other'

1. 'Other' as a Determiner


'Other' as a determiner stands before a singular or a plural noun and has different functions such as referring to a noun that has not been mentioned, referring to one of two things, etc. To know more, take a look:

  • 'Other' as a determiner has a similar meaning to in addition to, additional, more.

Do you have other things to say?

more things

Other books will be bought.

  • 'Other' as a determiner is used before nouns to indicate that the noun is different or separate from the person or thing that has already been mentioned.

They believe God exists but the other group doesn't.

In other parts of the city, there is a celebration.

  • 'Other' is also used to refer to the place that is furthest away from the speaker or it means 'opposite.'

On the other side, my father is standing.

She started waling to the other way.

  • 'Other' as a determiner can be used to indicate one of the two things that has not been mentioned.

One of my sons is 17 but my other son is only 2.

The speaker probably has two sons.

The other student is not happy yet.

  • 'Other' as a determiner can be used to refer to all the members of a group except one person or one thing.

She is smarter than all the other students.

All the other books were mine.

Position in a Sentence

'Other' as a determiner is used before nouns or noun phrases to modify them; as a result, 'other' and the modified noun can be the subject or the object of the sentence.
As we said earlier, 'other' can be used before countable or uncountable nouns. For example:

On the other side, my father is standing.

In other parts of the city, there is a celebration.

2. 'Other' as a Pronoun


'Other' as a pronoun is used to replace a noun it refers to. The plural form of 'other' is 'others. and it has different meanings.

  • 'Other' or 'others' as a pronoun replaces a noun to refer to a different or additional thing or person.

This problem and the other will be solved.

These problem and the others will be solved.

  • 'Other' as a pronoun is used to refer to one of the two things that has not been mentioned.

One of my sons is 17 but the other is only 2.

I was over the clouds while the other was down in the dumps.

the other person

  • 'Others' as a pronoun can be used to refer to all the members of a group except one person or one thing.

This is the last book. All the others have been sold.

I was over the clouds while others were down in the dumps.

  • 'Other' as a pronoun is used to indicate an opposite place or thing.

I went from one side of the town to the other.

I am on this side while my father is standing on the other.

Position in a Sentence

'Other' as a pronoun replaces a singular noun while 'others' replaces a plural noun. Remember that both of them can act as a subject, an object, a subject complement, etc.

I am on this side while my father is standing on the other.

This is the last book. All the others have been sold.

'others' is the subject.


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