Articles related to "can"



The modal verb can is a commonly-used word. It is used to add more information about the function of the main verb.

Can and Could

Talent shows are a big thing now in our pop culture. If you want to participate in them, you should know how to talk about your abilities. Learn about it here!


Giving Advice

'Giving advice' actually refers to expressing your opinion about a particular thing. In this case, you express something could happen in a better way.


Can vs. May

May and can are modal verbs that are commonly used in the English language. In this lesson, we will learn their uses and differences.



You might wonder what the difference between formal and informal styles is. One of the elements that can make your writings informal is using contractions.


Making Offers

There are some modal verbs that can be used to make offers in English. In this article, we will learn about them. Click here to read more.


Can vs. Able To

'Can' and 'be able to' are both used to refer to abilities. In this lesson, we will learn their differences and when to use them.


Making Requests

You might know that there are two kinds of requests in English. Direct requests and indirect requests. In this article, we will focus on indirect requests.


Cannot vs. Can not

Have you ever thought to yourself as to why we have two negation forms in the English form in the English language? Well, I'll tell you why.


Giving and Asking for Permission

Asking permission is a social skill that is a need in any culture. On the other hand, being able to allow someone to do something is another skill. Read more.


Talking about Abilities

When you want to socialize with strangers, you can talk about your abilities. What does it mean? Should we use our abilities or talk about them? Learn more.


Talking about Deduction

'Deduction' means to make guesses based on former information about something. In this article, we learn how to make deductions about events.



'Can' is one of the most commonly known modals in English grammar. In this lesson, we will explain this modal verb in detail.


Talking about Possibilities

There are different ways to talk about possibilities in English. Each way has its own function. We can also express our thoughts through possibilities.


Can vs. Could

'Can' and 'could' are two of the most commonly known modal verbs. In this lesson, we will learn their differences and when to use each of them.


Would vs. Can

'Would' and 'can' are commonly used to make offers and requests. In this lesson, we will learn their similarities and differences.

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