
SAT Exam Essential Vocabulary - Utility and Creation

Here you will learn some English words related to utility and creation, such as "forge", "applicable", "makeshift", etc. that you will need to ace your SATs.









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SAT Exam Essential Vocabulary

something extra that adds to the usefulness or effectiveness of another item


the quality or worth of something, typically based on its excellence, value, or achievements


the act of utilizing something effectively for a specific purpose or task


(computing) a copy of computer data that can be used to restore lost or damaged data


a thing that is used as an inferior and temporary substitute for something that is not available


a temporary solution or measure used to address an immediate problem or issue


the ability to act or function with minimum effort, time, and resources


the process of absorbing, using, or taking in something, such as nutrients, information, or resources


the part of something that remains after the main part has been used or taken away


someone or something's role in achieving a specific result, particularly a positive one


useful to each other or enhancing each other's qualities when brought together


not useful or realistic in a specific situation or for a particular purpose


playing a crucial role as a means or aid to achieve a specific goal


(of things) able to be used or applied in multiple ways or for various purposes


capable of being used or exchanged in place of one another


relevant to someone or something in a particular context or situation


acting as an alternative or replacement for something else


remaining after the main part has been used or taken away


suitable or acceptable for a given situation or purpose


available as an option for something else


not useful or realistic in a specific situation or for a particular purpose


provided to improve or enhance something that already exists


able to be used effectively or put to practical use


providing useful or valuable information

to utilize

to put to effective use

to implement

to apply or utilize a device, tool, or method for a specific purpose

to deploy

to put into use or action

to adopt

to take on or embrace something, such as a practice, idea, or belief, as one's own

to derive

to get something from a specific source

to manipulate

to skillfully control or work with information, a system, tool, etc.

to double

to serve two purposes or functions simultaneously

to harness

to use the power or potential of something effectively for a specific purpose

to retrieve

to go and get back something that was lost or left behind

to reclaim

to recycle and obtain useful material from waste

to supersede

to take something or someone's position or place, particularly due to being more effective or up-to-date

to overtax

to impose a heavy tax on something or someone

to exploit

to utilize or take full advantage of something, often resources, opportunities, or skills

to construct

to create something by organizing and combining ideas or components in a logical and coherent way

to found

to establish or set up the initial structure of something

to generate

to produce energy, such as heat, electricity, etc.

to spawn

to cause something to be created, particularly in large numbers

to contrive

to cleverly come up with an idea, theory, or plan using creative thinking

to devise

to design or invent a new thing or method after much thinking

to trigger

to cause something to happen

to craft

to skillfully make something, particularly with the hands

to establish

to create a company or organization with the intention of running it over the long term

to fabricate

to create or make up something, especially with the intent to deceive

to originate

to create or invent something

to launch

to make a new product or provide a new service and introduce it to the public

to institute

to establish or introduce something, such as a policy or program

to repurpose

to adapt or modify something for a different use or purpose than its original one

to assemble

to make something by putting separate parts of something together

to forge

to make something from a piece of metal object by heating it until it becomes soft and then beating it with a hammer

to fashion

to create or make something by putting different parts or materials together

to cradle

to be the birthplace or starting point of something significant

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