
كتاب English File - فوق المتوسط - الدرس 10 ب

ستجد هنا المفردات من الدرس 10ب في كتاب اللغة الإنجليزية للمستوى فوق المتوسط، مثل "الطلب"، و"الرعد"، و"التأثير"، وما إلى ذلك.




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
English File - Upper Intermediate

in or toward the direction of a position or place that is behind

إلى الوراء, خلفاً

إلى الوراء, خلفاً

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a change in a person or thing caused by another person or thing

أثر, نتيجة

أثر, نتيجة

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to forget

to not be able to remember something or someone from the past

نسي, تجاهل

نسي, تجاهل

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the general condition of a person's mind or body



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to learn

to become knowledgeable or skilled in something by doing it, studying, or being taught

يتعلم, يكتسب المعرفة

يتعلم, يكتسب المعرفة

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a bright flash, caused by electricity, in the sky or one that hits the ground from within the clouds

برق, صاعقة

برق, صاعقة

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an argument or reason showing that there is an advantage in doing something

حجة مؤيدة, ميزة

حجة مؤيدة, ميزة

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with little or no noise

هادئ, صامت

هادئ, صامت

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(plural) necessary things, such as food, medicines, clothes, etc. for a group of people

الإمدادات, المؤن

الإمدادات, المؤن

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containing sugar or having a taste that is like sugar

حلو, سكرى

حلو, سكرى

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an event, thing, or person that gives rise to something

سبب, أصل

سبب, أصل

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a disadvantage or negative aspect of a situation or decision

عيب, نقص

عيب, نقص

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to demand

to ask something from someone in an urgent and forceful manner

يطالب, يطلب

يطالب, يطلب

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to forgive

to stop being angry or blaming someone for what they have done, and to choose not to punish them for their mistakes or flaws

يغفر, يصفح

يغفر, يصفح

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to or toward the direction or place in front of one

إلى الأمام, إلى الأمام

إلى الأمام, إلى الأمام

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to live

to have your home somewhere specific

يعيش, يقطن

يعيش, يقطن

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a period or state where there is no war or violence



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the condition of being protected and not affected by any potential risk or threat

سلامة, أمان

سلامة, أمان

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having a below-average distance between two points

قصير, قليل الطول

قصير, قليل الطول

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the loud crackling noise that is heard from the sky during a storm

الرعد, صوت الرعد

الرعد, صوت الرعد

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sick and tired

annoyed or disgusted by someone or something one has been dealing with for a long time

bits and pieces

jobs or things that are different in type and small either in size, number, or significance

now and again

on occasions that are not regular or frequent

to wait and see

to be patient in order to find out about the outcome, answer, or future happenings

by and large

used to indicate that something is mostly the case or generally true

بشكل عام, عمومًا

بشكل عام, عمومًا

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law and order

a situation where people obey and respect the rules of a place, society, or country

safe and sound

not damaged or injured in any way

touch and go

involving risk and uncertainty

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