كتاب Insight - متقدم - الوحدة 2 - 2 أ
ستجد هنا المفردات من الوحدة 2 - 2أ في كتاب Insight Advanced الدراسي، مثل "مفهوم"، و"رائع"، و"مذهول"، وما إلى ذلك.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
actively participating or included in a particular activity, event, or situation

مشارك, منخرط

(of a person) having an obligation to do something or to take care of someone or something as part of one's job or role


very upset and overwhelmed with strong emotions like sadness, worry, or despair

مشتتة, مفجوعة

to puzzle or challenge someone, typically by presenting a question or problem that is difficult to answer or solve

حير, أربك

feeling confused, bothered, or overwhelmed, resulting in a loss of calmness or clear thinking

مُحْتَار, مُزْعَج

feeling confused and unsure about one's location, surroundings, or situation

مشوش, مربك