
الأوضاع والحالات - عبث

استكشف الأمثال الإنجليزية التي تصور العبث من خلال أقوال مثل "بعد الموت الطبيب" و"مقاضاة متسول وقبض على قملة".




بطاقات الفلاش


اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
Situations & States
a dead bee makes no honey

used to emphasize the futility of focusing on something that is no longer productive or beneficial

النحلة الميتة لا تصنع عسلاً

النحلة الميتة لا تصنع عسلاً

Google Translate
after death the doctor

used to express the idea that presenting a solution or seeking assistance after a problem has already been resolved or is too late is futile

after meat, mustard

used to suggest that a helpful or beneficial action or idea has arrived too late to be of use

بعد اللحم الخردل

بعد اللحم الخردل

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if it ain't broke, don't fix it

used to imply that unnecessary changes or improvements can sometimes cause more harm than good

إذا لم يكن مكسورًا، فلا تصلحه

إذا لم يكن مكسورًا، فلا تصلحه

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sue a beggar and catch a louse

used to imply that going after someone who has nothing to offer will only result in gaining something of little to no value in return

why buy a cow when you can get (the) milk for free

used to suggest that it is better to take advantage of what's already available than to make unnecessary investments without weighing the costs and benefits

لماذا تشتري بقرة عندما يمكنك الحصول على الحليب مجانا

لماذا تشتري بقرة عندما يمكنك الحصول على الحليب مجانا

Google Translate
it is ill striving against the stream

used to suggest that it is better to work within existing circumstances rather than fighting against something that cannot be changed

if my aunt had been a man, she would have been my uncle

used to emphasize the importance of accepting reality as it is and focusing on what is possible, rather than dwelling on impossible or unlikely scenarios

it is ill sitting at Rome and striving with the Pope

used to suggest that it is unwise and pointless to challenge someone with greater power or authority

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