الأفعال المتعلقة بمواضيع الأفعال البشرية - الأفعال المتعلقة بالتجارة
هنا سوف تتعلم بعض الأفعال الإنجليزية التي تشير إلى التجارة مثل "التجارة"، و"الصفقة"، و"المزاد".
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
to engage in business transactions or trade by buying, selling, or exchanging goods or services
to buy goods from a foreign country and bring them to one's own
to send goods or services to a foreign country for sale or trade
يصدّر, يخرج للبيعة
to provide a business with the necessary funds by using a combination of investment from shareholders and loans from lenders
رأسمال, تمويل
to officially make a specific currency the accepted and legal form of money in a country
توحيد النقد, إضفاء الطابع القانوني
to offer a particular price for something, usually at an auction
يقدم عرضا, يتزايد على
to sell goods or services by putting them up for bidding, allowing potential buyers to offer prices in a competitive process
يُقْرَضُ, يبيع بالمزاد
to impose a financial charge by the government on income, goods, services, or properties to generate revenue for public services and functions
يضرِب ضريبة على, يفرض ضرائب على
to protect oneself or one's property by purchasing a policy that provides financial coverage against potential losses or risks
يؤمن, يضمن
to utilize borrowed funds or financial resources to increase one's capacity for investment or acquisition
استفاد, استخدم
to promote and sell products or services by using strategies and advertising to reach and attract potential customers
تسويق, ترويج
to make something known publicly, usually for commercial purposes
يعلِن, يُسَوِّق
to financially support a project, activity, etc. and take responsibility for potential loss
ضمان, تحمل المخاطر
to financially support or fund a project, venture, or activity
يمول, يدعم مالياً