حروف الجر - حروف الجر للمقارنة والتشابه
تُستخدم حروف الجر هذه لمقارنة كيانين ببعضهما البعض أو إظهار علاقة التشابه بينهما.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
used to indicate that a quality or action is better than or superior to a specified standard
أفضل من
used to express a condition where one thing is superior or more numerous than another
used to compare or to show contrast between two choices, decisions, etc.
used to indicate a comparison or contrast between two things or people
بالنسبة إلى
used to indicate a comparative position of being less advanced or lagging behind others in terms of progress, achievement, or position
used to show that a person or thing looks like someone or something else
used to indicate that something or someone shares the same qualities or features to another
in a similar style, manner, or genre as something else, often used to indicate inspiration or influence
على نمط
used to indicate similarity, approximation, or close resemblance
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