Appearance - الجلد وشعر الوجه
هنا سوف تتعلم بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية المتعلقة بالبشرة وشعر الوجه مثل "لحية"، و"حليق"، و"شعيرة".
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
the slight darkness that is visible on a man's face after his morning shave
the soft hair that grows on the chin and upper lip of a young boy who has not yet grown full beard
شعر ناعم, زرقة
a bushy mustache that is styled to curl upward and outward, resembling the shape of a handlebar on a bicycle
شارب على شكل مقود, شارب مجعد للأعلى
a style of facial hair where sideburns extend down to meet a mustache, resembling the shape of a chop or a piece of mutton
شارب لحم الضأن, شعر جانبي لحم الضأن
a narrow and closely trimmed style of mustache that resembles a line drawn by a pencil above the upper lip
شارب قلم رصاص, شارب رقيق
a small, distinct patch of facial hair under the lower lip
قُرَيْبَة الروح, منطقة شعر تحت الشفاه
describing a person who has not shaved recently, resulting in a visible growth of facial hair
غير مُحلَّق, شَعرَ اللحية
facial hair growth that is longer or more prominent than stubble but not quite a beard, typically found on the chin or cheeks
شعيرات, لحية صغيرة
any of the pair of the facial hair that grow at the sides of a man's face in front of his ears
لحية جانبية, شعر جانبى
facial hair that grows on a man's cheeks down to his chin
شوارب جانبية, لحية جانبية
short stiff hair growing on the face when it is not shaved, typically on a man's face
شَعْرٌ خَشِّنٌ, زُغْبَةٌ