বি২ স্তরের শব্দতালিকা - Art
এখানে আপনি শিল্প সম্পর্কে কিছু ইংরেজি শব্দ শিখবেন, যেমন "মাস্টারপিস", "প্রদর্শনী", "সেলফ-পোর্ট্রেট", ইত্যাদি B2 শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য প্রস্তুত।
drawings, photographs, and pictures that are prepared for publication in a book, magazine, etc.
the part of a photograph, etc. that is situated behind the main figures, etc.
the part of a scene, photograph, etc. that is closest to the observer
পূর্ব পন্থা
a professional who designs or creates visual content using various things, such as digital tools, illustration, photography, etc.
a piece of art created with great skill, which is an artist's best work
a public event in which objects such as paintings, photographs, etc. are shown
a painting of a person that is created by the same person
the specific theme or topic that a work of art, speech, etc. contains
a thick paint that has oil in it, allowing artists to mix colors and work in layers to achieve the desired effects
তেলের রঙ
(of a form of art) characterized by the use of shapes, colors, lines, forms, etc. to convey emotions, concepts, or ideas, rather than illustrating recognizable objects or scenes from the physical world
resulting from the direct work of an artist, etc., which is not a copy
simple, traditional, and appealing, with a timeless quality that stays in fashion regardless of trends
(of a style in architecture, music, art, etc.) recently formed and different from traditional styles and forms
to represent or show something or someone by a work of art
চিত্রায়ন করা
to present or show something publicly to inform or entertain an audience
প্রদর্শন করা
to make someone feel creative and motivated, helping them to think of new ideas to make art or solve problems
অনুপ্রাণিত করা
to create a smaller representation of something using wood, etc.
মডেল করা
to repair a work of art, building, etc. so that it is in a good condition again
পুনরুদ্ধার করা